Hey everyone! Welcome back. I know I made a big hay a few months ago about posting more and then haven’t done as much as I was planning. This is for a lot of reasons: my kids get sick, I get sick, my dog is very very sick (and old), and then I just have other projects in the pipeline. I hope to share more with you about a very big one of those soon, but for now I must ask for your eternal patience.
Some other quick announcements relevant to your interests, I’m sure:
First, if you are in Maryland near Silver Springs, June 13th to 16th, the AFI Silver is doing a program called Pre-Code: Sex and Censorship with lots of excellent films being shown, including the rarely screened Cock of the Air. On June 14th, Kim Luperi (who runs this site’s Instagram) will be introducing Baby Face. I assure you, no one knows as much about that movie than Kim does, so I’m sure the introduction will be a treat!
Second, in Paris, June 27th through 29th, there is an academic conference entitled Hollywood Before the Code which will have guest speakers and various paper presentations all around different pre-Code topics. I am currently planning to attend all three days– I am a librarian and a nerd, so this is very much in my wheelhouse. If you recognize me, feel free to say hi. Uh, but not in French, I don’t speak French. Sorry!

Pre-Code Movies on TCM in June 2024
All times listed are EST. Scheduling may change. Full schedule found here.
- Friday, June 7 @ 10:00 – City Lights (1931)
- Saturday, June 8 @ 05:00 – Central Park (1932)
- Wednesday, June 12 @ 06:30 – Way Back Home (1932)
- Wednesday, June 12 @ 08:00 – Street Scene (1931)
- Thursday, June 13 @ 01:00 – Arsene Lupin (1932)
- Thursday, June 20 @ 08:30 – Way Out West (1930)
- Saturday, June 22 @ 05:00 – The Blue Angel (1930)
- Saturday, June 22 @ 07:00 – Queen Christina (1933)
- Sunday, June 23 @ 08:15 – Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932)
- Tuesday, June 25 @ 20:00 – State Fair (1933)
- Wednesday, June 26 @ 18:00 – M (1931)
Hope you catch something good this month!